Welcome to Mic Drop Moments… a weekly podcast hosted by Sandra Garlick MBE, Business Growth & Visibility Strategist, Speaker Mentor, and Founder of Woman Who. Often your journey into business doesn’t follow a straight line and you may have a few detours along the way. You’ve probably gathered a lot of knowledge, learned valuable lessons, and navigated obstacles and challenges. These are your stories, they are unique to you, and your learning evolves into your Mic Drop Moments. Each episode is packed full of insights, inspiration, and stories and features content you can learn from and feel motivated to take that next step in life or business. Sandra chats to guests who share their stories to inspire others, including their Mic Drop Moments. She also hosts a number of solo episodes sharing business strategy and learning to inspire you to create your Mic Drop Moments too. Sandra has been speaking on stages for over 25 years and has grown her personal brand, and several businesses, over the last few decades. She now shares her knowledge, her mistakes (learning curves), and Mic Drop Moments with you every Monday. Sandra was awarded her MBE in the New Years’ Honours List 2020, one of her many Mic Drop Moments. Please subscribe and leave a review. Find our more… visit: www.womanwho.co.uk

Monday Oct 14, 2024
#132 The Risks Associated with Brand & Reputation
Monday Oct 14, 2024
Monday Oct 14, 2024
Start your Woman Who journey today
Join the Let’s Get Visible® Community on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WomanWhoCommunity for inspiration, visibility tips, networking, and a community to lift you up and support you on your business journey.
Download Free Resources:
Woman Who Inspires Network, SPEAKER Bootcamps & Strategy & Mastermind Days.
Find out more here: https://womanwho.co.uk/events/
Find out more here: https://womanwho.co.uk/awards/
If you’d like to start your public speaking journey then join me at SPEAKER: One-Day Bootcamp. You’ll learn all the tips, tools and techniques to stand out when you stand up and speak.
Book here: https://womanwho.co.uk/events/
I’m Sandra Garlick MBE a former solicitor, founder of Woman Who and I’m a Business Growth & Visibility Strategist. I also create opportunities for women in business to power up their personal brand and get visible through the Let’s Get Visible® Academy, Woman Who & Solopreneur Awards, and Speaker Bootcamps.
I was awarded my MBE for my services to women in business in the New Year’s Honours list 2020. I live in the Midlands (UK) and love solo travel in Italy, shoes, and football.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandragarlick
Website: https://www.womanwho.co.uk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sandragarlickmbe
Woman Who Chat is Sponsored by Grow Radio
GROW Radio is an online radio station dedicated to bringing you a different podcast on the hour… every hour. I am proud that Woman Who Chat is played on GROW Radio every Tuesday at 3pm and Friday at 8am and to be part of their podcasting community.
If you want to listen to the station, explore their shows, get your podcast onto GROW Radio or check out many of the blogs to improve your podcasting skills… head over to https://www.growradio.uk today!

Monday Oct 07, 2024
#131 Chatting all about PR and Storytelling with Nicola Rowley
Monday Oct 07, 2024
Monday Oct 07, 2024
Today I’m chatting to Nicola Rowley, PR Strategist and Author.
Nicola shares her story from writing as a child, landing her dream job with the BBC and juggling lack irregular hours and a career.
We also shat about her son, J Rowley who became a best-selling author at just 9 years old, earlier this year with his book ‘Sock Sloth and the Lunar Blades’ (see link below).
Nicola is a published author herself having written her own book ‘The Power of PR’ and a series of children’s books. She runs a PR membership and works with business owners who want to be featured in the media. Nicola now works alongside her trusted four-legged side-kick PR Dog.
You can find out more about Nicola and reach out to her here:
Website: http://www.nicolarowley.com/
LinkedIn: https://calendly.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Flinkedin.com%2Fin%2Fnicola-j-rowley
Sock Sloth and the Lunar Blades: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sock-Sloth-Lunar-Blades-Rowley/dp/1068691204
The Power of PR: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Power-PR-Effectively-Strategic-Storytelling/dp/B09PHF7SWT/ref=sr_1_1?crid=XT3WYFFJ6HTW&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.yCJgpLR3G4Xl3bxTjaZoAYFZfmsEDYG7DP45VnVy-HqfutJlrPirzJ0flbivNunS4nAdT9XzH_y_eN2FBnPTBr7pBm-Ek0idYs1YsAlKCfo.gLGGPWnxWhR6B9Eg9j9z-4fYnmliZ8FfWbgCoidLYQE&dib_tag=se&keywords=nicola+rowley&nsdOptOutParam=true&qid=1728286166&s=books&sprefix=nicola+rowley%2Cstripbooks%2C88&sr=1-1-catcorrNeed some help? Just get in touch.
Start your Woman Who journey today
Join the Let’s Get Visible® Community on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WomanWhoCommunity for inspiration, visibility tips, networking, and a community to lift you up and support you on your business journey.
Download Free Resources:
Woman Who Inspires Network, SPEAKER Bootcamps & Strategy & Mastermind Days.
Find out more here: https://womanwho.co.uk/events/
Find out more here: https://womanwho.co.uk/awards/
If you’d like to start your public speaking journey then join me at SPEAKER: One-Day Bootcamp. You’ll learn all the tips, tools and techniques to stand out when you stand up and speak.
Book here: https://womanwho.co.uk/events/
I’m Sandra Garlick MBE a former solicitor, founder of Woman Who and I’m a Business Growth & Visibility Strategist. I also create opportunities for women in business to power up their personal brand and get visible through the Let’s Get Visible® Academy, Woman Who & Solopreneur Awards, and Speaker Bootcamps.
I was awarded my MBE for my services to women in business in the New Year’s Honours list 2020. I live in the Midlands (UK) and love solo travel in Italy, shoes, and football.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandragarlick
Website: https://www.womanwho.co.uk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sandragarlickmbe
Woman Who Chat is Sponsored by Grow Radio
GROW Radio is an online radio station dedicated to bringing you a different podcast on the hour… every hour. I am proud that Woman Who Chat is played on GROW Radio every Tuesday at 3pm and Friday at 8am and to be part of their podcasting community.
If you want to listen to the station, explore their shows, get your podcast onto GROW Radio or check out many of the blogs to improve your podcasting skills… head over to https://www.growradio.uk today!

Monday Sep 30, 2024
#130 Chatting about energy with Charlotte Carter
Monday Sep 30, 2024
Monday Sep 30, 2024
Chatting about energy with Charlotte Carter
Today I’m chatting to Charlotte Carter of I Dare to Leap, a global high performance coach.
We are chatting all about energy and energetics.
Charlotte has always had a real passion for helping people and shares her story, and how she started her business after working in the mental health space.
Charlotte says… “Your journey is by far your biggest guide”
I love how Charlotte refers to ‘energy drains’ and ‘energy radiators’. This is a fantastic conversation and I highly recommend you have a listen.
You can find out more about Charlotte and reach out to her here:
Website: http://www.idaretoleap.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/charlottecarter1/
Need some help? Just get in touch.
Start your Woman Who journey today
Join the Let’s Get Visible® Community on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WomanWhoCommunity for inspiration, visibility tips, networking, and a community to lift you up and support you on your business journey.
Download Free Resources:
Woman Who Inspires Network, SPEAKER Bootcamps & Strategy & Mastermind Days.
Find out more here: https://womanwho.co.uk/events/
Find out more here: https://womanwho.co.uk/awards/
If you’d like to start your public speaking journey then join me at SPEAKER: One-Day Bootcamp. You’ll learn all the tips, tools and techniques to stand out when you stand up and speak.
Book here: https://womanwho.co.uk/events/
I’m Sandra Garlick MBE a former solicitor, founder of Woman Who and I’m a Business Growth & Visibility Strategist. I also create opportunities for women in business to power up their personal brand and get visible through the Let’s Get Visible® Academy, Woman Who & Solopreneur Awards, and Speaker Bootcamps.
I was awarded my MBE for my services to women in business in the New Year’s Honours list 2020. I live in the Midlands (UK) and love solo travel in Italy, shoes, and football.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandragarlick
Website: https://www.womanwho.co.uk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sandragarlickmbe
Woman Who Chat is Sponsored by Grow Radio
GROW Radio is an online radio station dedicated to bringing you a different podcast on the hour… every hour. I am proud that Woman Who Chat is played on GROW Radio every Tuesday at 3pm and Friday at 8am and to be part of their podcasting community.
If you want to listen to the station, explore their shows, get your podcast onto GROW Radio or check out many of the blogs to improve your podcasting skills… head over to https://www.growradio.uk today!

Monday Sep 23, 2024
#129 Chatting about play with Fenella Hemus
Monday Sep 23, 2024
Monday Sep 23, 2024
Today I’m chatting to Fenella Hemus of Fenella Hemus NLP Training and Coaching
Fenella has been in the business of transformation for 25+ years, supporting people of all ages to grow and thrive.
She runs Fenella Hemus NLP Training and Coaching and certifies leaders and coaches in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Breakthrough Coaching. With these life transforming tools they can achieve deeper, longer lasting results for clients, staff teams and themselves so creating positive change in the world.
Fenella shares her story and how much she enjoyed working with children. She also worked as a personal trainer, ultimately discovered NLP and started her business aged 51.
Fenella shares her personal story too, a time where she experienced personal loss and although she ploughed on at the time, ultimately the pressure led her to step away from her role to move abroad.
We chat about play and how we lose the ability to do that as we become teenagers. However, we need play to be creative in our working life. Fenella loves to climb a tree when she can and regularly volunteers with young people.
You can find out more about Fenella and reach out to her here:
Website: http://www.fenellahemus.com/
LinkedIn: https://calendly.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fin%2Ffenella-hemus%2F
Need some help? Just get in touch.
Start your Woman Who journey today
Join the Let’s Get Visible® Community on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WomanWhoCommunity for inspiration, visibility tips, networking, and a community to lift you up and support you on your business journey.
Download Free Resources: https://www.womanwho.co.uk/resources/
Woman Who Inspires Network, SPEAKER Bootcamps & Strategy & Mastermind Days.
Find out more here: https://womanwho.co.uk/events/
Find out more here: https://womanwho.co.uk/event/solopreneur-awards-2024/
If you’d like to start your public speaking journey then join me at SPEAKER: One-Day Bootcamp. You’ll learn all the tips, tools and techniques to stand out when you stand up and speak.
Book here: https://womanwho.co.uk/event/speaker-one-day-bootcamp-nail-that-keynote/
I’m Sandra Garlick MBE a former solicitor, founder of Woman Who and I’m a Business Growth & Visibility Strategist. I also create opportunities for women in business to power up their personal brand and get visible through the Let’s Get Visible® Academy, Woman Who & Solopreneur Awards, and Speaker Bootcamps.
I was awarded my MBE for my services to women in business in the New Year’s Honours list 2020. I live in the Midlands (UK) and love solo travel in Italy, shoes, and football.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandragarlick
Website: https://www.womanwho.co.uk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sandragarlickmbe
Woman Who Chat is Sponsored by Grow Radio
GROW Radio is an online radio station dedicated to bringing you a different podcast on the hour… every hour. I am proud that Woman Who Chat is played on GROW Radio every Tuesday at 3pm and Friday at 8am and to be part of their podcasting community.
If you want to listen to the station, explore their shows, get your podcast onto GROW Radio or check out many of the blogs to improve your podcasting skills… head over to https://www.growradio.uk today!

Monday Sep 16, 2024
#128 Chatting about the diet industry with Jenny McDonald
Monday Sep 16, 2024
Monday Sep 16, 2024
Today I’m chatting to Jenny McDonald, the Food Freedom Fairy and author of ‘The Book the Diet Industry Doesn’t Want You to Read.
We chat about how and why Jenny started her business, after her own 6 ½ stone weight loss.
We also chat about why she wrote her book to spread her message to more people.
As children, we may have received the wrong messages and food become a reward or we simply believed that we had to be a certain size or shape.
We also chat about how the diet industry, the ‘diet cycle’, and about building a positive relationship with food.
Jenny is also a Woman Who Solopreneur Awards Winner (2023) and a Judge for the 2024 Awards.
You can find out more about Jenny and reach out to her here:
Website: https://foodfreedomfairy.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/foodfreedomfairy/
Need some help? Just get in touch.
Start your Woman Who journey today
Join the Let’s Get Visible® Community on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WomanWhoCommunity for inspiration, visibility tips, networking, and a community to lift you up and support you on your business journey.
Download Free Resources: https://www.womanwho.co.uk/resources/
Woman Who Inspires Network, SPEAKER Bootcamps & Strategy & Mastermind Days.
Find out more here: https://womanwho.co.uk/events/
Find out more here: https://womanwho.co.uk/event/solopreneur-awards-2024/
If you’d like to start your public speaking journey then join me at SPEAKER: One-Day Bootcamp. You’ll learn all the tips, tools and techniques to stand out when you stand up and speak.
Book here: https://womanwho.co.uk/event/speaker-one-day-bootcamp-nail-that-keynote/
I’m Sandra Garlick MBE a former solicitor, founder of Woman Who and I’m a Business Growth & Visibility Strategist. I also create opportunities for women in business to power up their personal brand and get visible through the Let’s Get Visible® Academy, Woman Who & Solopreneur Awards, and Speaker Bootcamps.
I was awarded my MBE for my services to women in business in the New Year’s Honours list 2020. I live in the Midlands (UK) and love solo travel in Italy, shoes, and football.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandragarlick
Website: https://www.womanwho.co.uk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sandragarlickmbe
Woman Who Chat is Sponsored by Grow Radio
GROW Radio is an online radio station dedicated to bringing you a different podcast on the hour… every hour. I am proud that Woman Who Chat is played on GROW Radio every Tuesday at 3pm and Friday at 8am and to be part of their podcasting community.
If you want to listen to the station, explore their shows, get your podcast onto GROW Radio or check out many of the blogs to improve your podcasting skills… head over to https://www.growradio.uk today!

Monday Sep 09, 2024
#127 Chatting about business start up with Harpreet Stevenson
Monday Sep 09, 2024
Monday Sep 09, 2024
Today I’m chatting to Harpreet Stevenson of Collective Companion
Harpreet specialises in social media and and in particular working with engineering, and technology businesses. She loves breaking down engineering and technology jargon.
Harpreet shares her amazing journey working in the engineering and technology space, and her education including time in Prague and her experience in a range of industries, ultimately ending up starting her own business.
We chat about the challenges of starting a business and how tough it can be at times. Harpreet is also a part of a ‘think tank’ encouraging women to access board positions and is looking at other projects that she can become involved in. and chats about having the ‘entrepreneurial bug’.
She also shares her dream to become a TV or radio presenter and it’s still on the horizon for the future.
Harpreet is a member of the Let’s Get Visible Academy and had a ‘Special Mention’ at the Woman Who Solopreneur Awards in 2023.
You can find out more about Harpreet and reach out to her here:
Website: http://www.collectivecompanion.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/mwlite/profile/in/hsuree/
Need some help? Just get in touch.
Start your Woman Who journey today
Join the Let’s Get Visible Community on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WomanWhoCommunity for inspiration, visibility tips, networking, and a community to lift you up and support you on your business journey.
Download Free Resources: https://www.womanwho.co.uk/resources/
Find out more here: https://womanwho.co.uk/events/
Find out more here: https://womanwho.co.uk/event/solopreneur-awards-2024/
If you’d like to start your public speaking journey then join me at SPEAKER: One-Day Bootcamp. You’ll learn all the tips, tools and techniques to stand out when you stand up and speak.
Book here: https://womanwho.co.uk/event/speaker-one-day-bootcamp-nail-that-keynote/
I’m Sandra Garlick MBE a former solicitor, founder of woman Who and I help you to find your story, and share it confidently on stage and in other media by creating opportunities through my Academy, Awards, and Speaker Bootcamps. I was awarded my MBE for my services to women in business in the New Year’s Honours list 2020. I live in the Midlands (UK) and love solo travel in Italy, shoes, and football.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandragarlick
Website: https://www.womanwho.co.uk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sandragarlickmbe
Woman Who Chat is Sponsored by Grow Radio
GROW Radio is an online radio station dedicated to bringing you a different podcast on the hour… every hour. I am proud that Woman Who Chat is played on GROW Radio every Tuesday at 3pm and Friday at 8am and to be part of their podcasting community.
If you want to listen to the station, explore their shows, get your podcast onto GROW Radio or check out many of the blogs to improve your podcasting skills… head over to https://www.growradio.uk today!

Monday Sep 02, 2024
#126 The Great Women in Business Strategic Partnership
Monday Sep 02, 2024
Monday Sep 02, 2024
The Great Women in Business Strategic Partnership
Yes, we’re back… The Great Women in Business Partnership. I chat with co-founders Karen Heap, Sharon Louca, and Dawn Owen.
And guess what, we’re doing it all again in 2025, on Friday 7th March… venue to be announced very soon.
This is collaboration at its best.
We chat about our reflections following our amazing IWD 2024 event, our sell out launch event on 6th September, and what to look out for next.
If you want to hear more about what we’ve got planned for IWD on Friday 7th March 2025, get the date in your diary now, then listen or watch.
Plus, make sure you visit the Great Women in Business website on 6th September to grab your ticket.
Want to know how it all started, listen to the episode #96 on 5th February.
Find out more: https://greatwomeninbusiness.co.uk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greatwomeninbusiness
Sandra Garlick: https://womanwho.co.uk
Karen Heap: https://sociallyshared.co.uk/
Dawn Owen: https://dawnowen.com/
Sharon Louca: https://womensbusinessnetwork.co.uk/
Woman Who Chat is Sponsored by Grow Radio
GROW Radio is an online radio station dedicated to bringing you a different podcast on the hour… every hour. I am proud that Woman Who Chat is played on GROW Radio every Tuesday at 3pm and Friday at 8am and to be part of their podcasting community.
If you want to listen to the station, explore their shows, get your podcast onto GROW Radio or check out many of the blogs to improve your podcasting skills… head over to https://www.growradio.uk today!

Monday Aug 26, 2024
#125 Chatting about sleep deprivation with Nicole Ratcliffe
Monday Aug 26, 2024
Monday Aug 26, 2024
Woman Who Chat – Chatting about sleep deprivation with Nicole Ratcliffe
Today I’m chatting to Nicole Ratcliffe, the Workplace Sleep Coach and founder of Baby to Sleep. Nicole is a work-based sleep coach for parents, and works with parents and businesses to educate them how to support their employees through sleep deprivation.
Have you ever suffered with sleep deprivation? We chat about why sleep is so important to be able to function and operate efficiently.
Nicole shares her own journey, the challenges she faced and how sleep deprivation affected her, her family and her job. Nicole has now carried out research and produced a report ‘Breaking the Silence: Revealing the Truth about Parenting in the Workplace’ and the astonishing results.
Nicole is on a mission to educate employers and ensure that sleep deprived parents are safe in the workplace. She shares how she works with employers and parents to help them.
Nicole won a Woman Who Achieves Award in 2024.
You can find out more about Nicole and reach out to her here:
Breaking the Silence: Revealing the Truth about Parenting in the Workplace: https://baby2sleep.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Breaking-The-Silence-Revealing-The-Truth-about-Parenting-and-the-Workplace.pdf
Website: https://www.theworkplacesleepcoach.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicole-ratcliffe-💤
Need some help? Just get in touch.
Start your Woman Who journey today…
Join the Let’s Get Visible Community on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WomanWhoCommunity for inspiration, visibility tips, networking, and a community to lift you up and support you on your business journey.
Download Free Resources: https://www.womanwho.co.uk/resources/
Find out more here: https://womanwho.co.uk/events/
Find out more here: https://womanwho.co.uk/event/solopreneur-awards-2024/
If you’d like to start your public speaking journey then join me at SPEAKER: One-Day Bootcamp. You’ll learn all the tips, tools and techniques to stand out when you stand up and speak.
Book here: https://womanwho.co.uk/event/speaker-one-day-bootcamp-nail-that-keynote/
I’m Sandra Garlick MBE a former solicitor, founder of woman Who and I help you to find your story, and share it confidently on stage and in other media by creating opportunities through my Academy, Awards, and Speaker Bootcamps. I was awarded my MBE for my services to women in business in the New Year’s Honours list 2020. I live in the Midlands (UK) and love Italy, shoes, and football.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandragarlick
Website: https://www.womanwho.co.uk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sandragarlickmbe
Woman Who Chat is Sponsored by Grow Radio
GROW Radio is an online radio station dedicated to bringing you a different podcast on the hour… every hour. I am proud that Woman Who Chat is played on GROW Radio every Tuesday at 3pm and Friday at 8am and to be part of their podcasting community.
If you want to listen to the station, explore their shows, get your podcast onto GROW Radio or check out many of the blogs to improve your podcasting skills… head over to https://www.growradio.uk today!

Monday Aug 19, 2024
#124 Working with a team for business efficiency
Monday Aug 19, 2024
Monday Aug 19, 2024
I loved recording this episode with my team. Today I’m talking all about business efficiency and the team, and here I chat to a few of my team, Katy Osborne (KOVA Business Support), Gary Jones (Grow Radio) and Shelley Wilson (Author & Writing Mentor). Sadly, John Cleary (Be More Visible) couldn’t join us.
I love the fact that they are all solopreneurs too.
Meet the team and hear how they help me run my business efficiently, the way that they all work in synergy, and how each role they undertake helps the other to perform their role. Words become blogs, social posts, podcast material, and newsletter content. Photos are used for social posts, the blog, website, and podcast promo.
They also share their top tips and how they use team members in their businesses too.
Don’t forget to subscribe and leave a review.
Start your Woman Who journey today…
Join the Let’s Get Visible Community on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WomanWhoCommunity for inspiration, visibility tips, networking, and a community to lift you up and support you on your business journey.
Download Free Resources: https://www.womanwho.co.uk/resources/
Find out more here: https://womanwho.co.uk/events/
Find out more here: https://womanwho.co.uk/event/solopreneur-awards-2024/
If you’d like to start your public speaking journey then join me at SPEAKER: One-Day Bootcamp. You’ll learn all the tips, tools and techniques to stand out when you stand up and speak.
Book here: https://womanwho.co.uk/event/speaker-one-day-bootcamp-nail-that-keynote/
I’m Sandra Garlick MBE a former solicitor, founder of woman Who and I help you to find your story, and share it confidently on stage and in other media by creating opportunities through my Academy, Awards, and Speaker Bootcamps. I was awarded my MBE for my services to women in business in the New Year’s Honours list 2020. I live in the Midlands (UK) and love Italy, shoes, and football.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandragarlick
Website: https://www.womanwho.co.uk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sandragarlickmbe
Woman Who Chat is Sponsored by Grow Radio
GROW Radio is an online radio station dedicated to bringing you a different podcast on the hour… every hour. I am proud that Woman Who Chat is played on GROW Radio every Tuesday at 3pm and Friday at 8am and to be part of their podcasting community.
If you want to listen to the station, explore their shows, get your podcast onto GROW Radio or check out many of the blogs to improve your podcasting skills… head over to https://www.growradio.uk today!

Monday Aug 12, 2024
#123 Chatting to Kate Whitley about Business Efficiency
Monday Aug 12, 2024
Monday Aug 12, 2024
Start your Woman Who journey today…
Join the Let’s Get Visible Community on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WomanWhoCommunity for inspiration, visibility tips, networking, and a community to lift you up and support you on your business journey.
Download Free Resources: https://www.womanwho.co.uk/resources/
Find out more here: https://womanwho.co.uk/events/
ENTER THE SOLOPRENEUR AWARDS 2024 (Deadline 1st August 2024)
Find our more here: https://womanwho.co.uk/awards/
Find out more here: https://womanwho.co.uk/event/solopreneur-awards-2024/
If you’d like to start your public speaking journey then join me at SPEAKER: One-Day Bootcamp. You’ll learn all the tips, tools and techniques to stand out when you stand up and speak.
Book here: https://womanwho.co.uk/event/speaker-one-day-bootcamp-nail-that-keynote/
I’m Sandra Garlick MBE a former solicitor, founder of woman Who and I help you to find your story, and share it confidently on stage and in other media by creating opportunities through my Academy, Awards, and Speaker Bootcamps. I was awarded my MBE for my services to women in business in the New Year’s Honours list 2020. I live in the Midlands (UK) and love Italy, shoes, and football.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandragarlick
Website: https://www.womanwho.co.uk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sandragarlickmbe
Woman Who Chat is Sponsored by Grow Radio
GROW Radio is an online radio station dedicated to bringing you a different podcast on the hour… every hour. I am proud that Woman Who Chat is played on GROW Radio every Tuesday at 3pm and Friday at 8am and to be part of their podcasting community.
If you want to listen to the station, explore their shows, get your podcast onto GROW Radio or check out many of the blogs to improve your podcasting skills… head over to https://www.growradio.uk today!